3 Common Causes Of Toilet Backups

Posted on: 16 September 2021

When you flush your toilet, you expect the waste to go down and exit your home. You would likely find it alarming and disturbing for water or waste to back up. This is a real nightmare that many homeowners have encountered. The phenomenon is usually related to one or more clogs in the plumbing system. Toilet backup emergencies are considered hazardous because they may have raw sewage mixed in them, which can cause illnesses. Water damage is another possibility. The following points identify things that can produce clogs that lead to toilet backups.

Tree Roots 

Trees that are not planted near your property can cause issues with plumbing systems. Some homeowners assume that trees have to be planted in close proximity to their homes. However, certain trees are identified as having invasive root systems. Their roots can extend significantly further than other trees, and they are attracted to nutrient-rich soil and moisture. Perhaps you do not have invasive trees on your property. If a neighbor does, their tree's roots might extend to your property and wreak havoc on your plumbing system.

Foreign Objects

If you have several family members, there is a chance that someone in your household may flush items down the toilet that should not be flushed. You might also unknowingly flush items/objects that seem like they would be harmless to flush. Common culprits are dental floss, wipes even if they are labeled as flushable, paper towels, cooking grease, and hair. All of these things can get trapped in drain lines and congeal together. 

Mineral Deposits in Pipes

Homeowners should get their water tested to determine its hardness. Some households have tap water that has high mineral content. The minerals can adhere to pipes and form limescale. The limescale deposits will continue to build up in pipes and can lead to clogs and leaks in the plumbing system. Plumbers can determine the extent of the hardness of the water in homes and may recommend installing water softeners. If a water softener is recommended for your home, it is a wise investment. Water softeners can extend the lifespan of your appliances that use water. 

A plumber is the best resource to use when you need a toilet backup repair. They can determine where the clog is located by using advanced technology such as sewer inspection cameras to locate clogs. They also have access to equipment that allows them to remove the clogs using noninvasive techniques that eliminate or minimize the need for digging out large areas of your landscape.
